Friday, November 1, 2013

Silver and Turquoise continued

She waits on a few of the other patrons and tells me that this one is on her, tells me her name Is Cameron, winks and walks away with a studded leather belt draped over her hip and hanging low on the other side. She bends to pick up something that has fallen and her G-string stairs me down in this one horse town. I finish my beer over some small talk and Camron tells me she will look me up when she finishes her shift as I walk out the saloon door. Outside on the porch some of the locals are drinking. The cowboy who bought a motorbike asks me where I am off to, I tell him I'm headed to the other end of town to where the cheap hotel is. He says, that's good there is a better bar down that end of town, one with real women working in it. I inquire, real women, isn't Cameron a real woman? He says hell no, Cam's a great guy, but he aint no woman.

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