Friday, November 1, 2013

Silver and Turquoise continued

She waits on a few of the other patrons and tells me that this one is on her, tells me her name Is Cameron, winks and walks away with a studded leather belt draped over her hip and hanging low on the other side. She bends to pick up something that has fallen and her G-string stairs me down in this one horse town. I finish my beer over some small talk and Camron tells me she will look me up when she finishes her shift as I walk out the saloon door. Outside on the porch some of the locals are drinking. The cowboy who bought a motorbike asks me where I am off to, I tell him I'm headed to the other end of town to where the cheap hotel is. He says, that's good there is a better bar down that end of town, one with real women working in it. I inquire, real women, isn't Cameron a real woman? He says hell no, Cam's a great guy, but he aint no woman.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Silver and Turquoise

"Treat girl with some respect" I suggest to the drunk cowboy on the bar stool next to me. She winks and tells me she's used to it, say's he's kinda ride'n his own train, says he's kinda socially aggressive. He tells me he's got one of these BMW's like mine only a 650. Tells me he's 62 and bought it because they won't give him financing for a truck, "it's only a little truck", he says "but they won't give me the money no way's". Says "its's kinda like rid'n a horse, mostly ride off road anyways".
She tells me she's leaving this non progressive town, "head'n to the city", says she landed here three years ago, holding up three fingers cluttered with silver and turquoise. "It was a mistake: she says, "just had to get away from the ex".
It's an old western saloon Named "Dusters", established in 1880, same backdrop of a grand mirror and solid wood standing bar, where drunken cowboys fought for women and fired guns for no good reason. I can nearly hear the people 230 years ago whooping it up.
She's a little cold to start off with, I presume dealing with early afternoon drunks ain't always easy. She inquires if I want another DosXX's. "No,it's good I still have to ride out of this one horse town", She says "there's more than one way to ride a horse". So I say, "you got any experience in ride'n horses". She says, "a thing or two" and places another Dos xx's in front of me that I stair at with confusion.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Beauty By Age

And what happens if they find me beside a fire in the open darkness, is it a sin not to write beneath the light of electricity? Shall I be blamed to my depth to find enlightenment from lying on the God made sand and the warm rocks to rest my head? Who can make such a judgment, if one is full of such enlightenments, fill my glass to the brim with the finest of Cognac and cheers to the world for having me in the first place.
Not sure if I will sleep in this bed as I'm certain I could hear it move when I took my eye off it for only a brief interlude. The bed, it will swallow my maps, my plans, my everything. Maybe I should set fire to it; the bed and the green and red bed cover crawling with clients past, all who turn an eye to the fright.I can see now only from one eye and can hear the neighbours fucking in the bed beyond the wall, where they lay naked and stroking at 60 plus years. What a turn on, to think of getting it on with wrinkled skin and a boner.
If I drink another, chances are I will be thrown to the lions beneath their moans that make me hard. And now he's done and I can hear the toilet paper roll. It sounds as if she needs a little more. They talk and she consoles him, all while touching herself to finish.
I will meet them tomorrow on the trail of lust. I plant the seed that will see us down the same walk way to the accent ruins, a place to fall back in time, a place to make her feel young again.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Desert Doctor

In a town called Escalante, he rides a Harley sporting an American flag. He can hear the purr of any motorcycle engine in town and circle in to render that tick. He'll indicate from where you came on the tire he changes and nail it to an outer wall of pride. He'll offer you cold beer in the pouring rain and coffee in the blazing sun. And when you depart it won't be without a metal crucifix he's made.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Wednesday, October 23, 2013