The light on the lamp post has been lit for you. It will burn untill your arrival. Voodo dolls in your possession will see to it that you do arrive. As you submerse yourself in the darker side of things,be aware of everything,and write it all down. Don't read what you have written, thats's for other people to do. Live the life,like there's no tomorrow. ...untill there isn't one.
He's become comfortable
in that
ol' civil war jacket.
What would compliment
that mess of hair?
A sage cigarette,
a bottle in his hand
and a book in his pocket.
A hobo at heart
a drunk by night
and a rambling pain.
Tired and old
before his time.
Studying the greats
Bukowski, Tom Waits
William S. Burroughs
and Hunter S. Thompson,
Kerouac and John Steinbeck.
Drinking Brandy
and Cockspur rum
from the bottle.
Hiding down South
for the winter months
running from the cold
and consequence.
Will you be in a hospital bed, or on your feet?
The light on the lamp post has been lit for you. It will burn untill your arrival.
Voodo dolls in your possession will see to it that you do arrive.
As you submerse yourself in the darker side of things,be aware of everything,and write it all down.
Don't read what you have written,
thats's for other people to do.
Live the life,like there's no tomorrow.
...untill there isn't one.
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