Saturday, April 30, 2011

Pushing the Season

Nothing like a shower in the rain
nothing like a work day without pain
nothing like a beer that never ends
or a friend that never dies
nothing like the day that wakens from a sleep
or the realization that
there's no need to weep.

Monday, April 18, 2011

She's the One

I've never hopped a train
I've been run over by a car.
I've never had the monies
to pay
room and board
but I've slept
with a Queen.
Some guys have it all.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Eggs In The Fridge

HS Thompson used to do it
but he had great breakfasts
someone eles used to do it too
I can't remember who
they most likely drank for breakfast
and me
I forgot where the eggs hid in the fridge
It's been some time since I had something to say.
I'd buy a guitar
but I don't know how to play.
and I hate poetry that rhymes

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Last Fall

Jack's elbow ached when he bent his arm
it was the fall from the tall bed
that and falling on the blacktop alleyway
or perhaps when he fell from his chair
onto the tile floor in the kitchen last fall.
He was agitated
was it the dead squirrel
was it the drunken neighbouress
bumming beers
or too much caffeine/
No hard booze for two weeks
may be the cause.
Bettering himself
self abuse?

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Bishop stopped by for some octopi
straight from the can
he bent his ear
and drank two beer
and left with a stogie
in his hand.

It had been some time
but they both
had a lot to say
Bishop smiled and laughed,
lit his cigar and
walked away.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

April Walk

The Juniper berries
in early April
make the forest
smell like
cat piss.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Back Home

With a three day hang over on it's way out, Jack reaches for the sun; it's not there.
Bishop has been planting the seed, sparking interest in the wilderness, a place Jack has been far from.
With clouds lingering, Jack reaches for his rubber boots and hat,
through a clouded sky Jack searches for clarity.