Friday, January 14, 2011

Costa Rica

Fancy sandaled feet
one way streets
and tight jeans.
Pedestrians don't have the right away
Becoming familiar
with Pilsen and Imperial beer

So hot i had to shed
my skivies
many a short skirt
and plenty o hippies.
Bud and coke on
every corner
in Montezuma.
Thieves beside the police station
drunk on love
in the sanded campground
gunna spend a half dozen days here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeeh haa. taste that dust and desire, that trickle of sweat. drinking up your prints and prose.
in the rain we drink lucky and are still thirsty. rivers split their edges. tumble, all bravado. friday's arrive liked beached logs, scarred and smooth, ready for sculptors to while away the excess.
good knowing you're there. if there is such a thing as there.
