Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Jack should have followed Bishop's lead to the East side of the valley. Bishop always on the East side, while Jack scrambled snow covered hills reaching for the last of the afternoon sun on the West. By the time he got to a high ridge the sun was to set in short order. He took Steinbeck's "The Grapes of Wrath" with him and one beer. Jack was shaky and he knew that just one beer could pull him out of it.

The days prior Jack had drank so much just to feed desire that he had plum passed out 'round 6:00pm. He and Buck made their way over the pass headed East toward home. Jack's ribs ached from wrestling with H.D.D., and he resented the fact that he had lost his flashlight in the snow. Buck struggled to keep his eyes ajar as he drove South up the valley.

Jack was welcomed once home but passed up the family hugging for a hot shower to clean himself of a three day smokey drinking binge

Monday, November 29, 2010

Late Night Drive

Up and over Roger's
slipping on frozen
thin layers of frost.
Meeting the ferry
in the snow falling darkness.

Seven tight switch backs
on the unploughed 31 North

Coldness awaits
beer passes time
cold as ice.

Roaring fire
and daylight
warms extremities.

Monday, November 22, 2010


The stained glass rattled in the window.
There was a slight tinkle from the ice in his brandy
as the train past on the cold night.
The moon was out, yet a cloud cover had rolled in that had dropped crystles of ice, that he ran around collecting in his drink. Most of the company had gone but she was still there in her red dress.. she clung to his mind like frost on water.There was no way she would leave with him, hell, he was on foot and it was cold and what did he expect. Not much, he hadn't thought he had a chance, that was until she motioned him into the kitchen where she let him know that she was tired of her current situation and that she would like to walk home with him, but everyone would notice and that was too much to risk. So he waited outside in the full moon in late November for her to come through those doors alone , but the time would not come and he would find himself more alone than when he arrived.


Red eyed
but someone had to write.

Bishop was missing
no one had seen him for days.
His truck was parked in the driveway
next to the wheelbarrow
loaded with fresh snow
and frost.
It had gotten cold and
Jack wondered what had become of Bishop.

Bishop had some big story to tell
and Jack
a gallery show that he was preparing for.
Neither one of them
would make good on their efforts
but they had reserved themselves

Thursday, November 18, 2010


When you eat breakfast for dinner
you know it will be a late night.

Sat round the fire
all day.

Wished my friend
would have stopped on his way.
It's his day so
it's entirely
up to him.

Took in smoke
from fir bark
then I smoked a little for Jer

Heard the music playing
I sucked back my beer.

Saw some pictures
Denni Blue
brought by

This is how it was
then I got high.

Lived in a tipi
and Denni
in a tent

Cutt'n trees
and saving on rent.

It was along
while back.

but I can taste it

Sunday, November 14, 2010


I miss my mother's
tender touch
and her blackened
bruised skin
her bent fingers
and greyed hair
I miss the most gentle
that ever lived.
I miss Shirley-Mae.

Her awake with
champagne in hand.
She took no shit and offered
unconditional love.
And when she left us
the only thing I could say
You were
the most
awesome piece of my life.
Bad choice of words
but in her dying
moment she smiled at me.

Afford Love

When they both fall into bed.
The night I own.
I hope they're not angry.
My piss
smells of asparagus.

I pick bottles
in my sleep
afford love.

I'd trade
for black eyes.

And I'd fight for real love.
The love that
is canned
and stocked
my shelf.

Hard Sun

Like prayers answered
my glass half full
My heart
woman at my side.
In the slow season
getting old.
The Hobo fire burns
littering my soul.
Run to the cold
with sun on back.

Friday, November 12, 2010


Looking for contenders
ready to ice drag race
never done here before.
Gunna bolt up the Ural
strait pipes
on a strait away.
flat out fast.
Looking for contenders.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Denny Blue entered the 7-11
went straight for the
Slurpie machine,
Then he spotted
the mini bottle of
red wine,
started mixing in the store.
"Red wine and
Pepsi slurpie,
What are you drunk?"
"Get the hell out of here!"

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


The tree I saved
spared by Hydro
a small victory
there's not another
for tens of miles.

Take Me Away

Tried to clean up the
Tower Turbulator
portable Typewriter
model #603.22
Produced for Sears-Robuck
by Underwood
all the way from
Heartford Connecticut.
Came back from the studio
smelling of mildew
so I headed for the hills
with pen in hand.


When he reached the gates
of Purgatory
they opened his passport
only to find that he'd been to Hell.

The passport had been stamped
"Failure" and "Remorse".

The gate-keep flipped the page
and could see he'd traveled alone
for a long way.

There was a bottle
of Cyanide
in his handbag
it had been opened
and was only half full.

You don't need no bus pass
to get to hell.
You just need to hitch a ride.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Where are you my friend
with words
littered by booze

Do you expect me to keep it up for the pair of us?

Thursday, November 4, 2010


A thousand flies on the window sill
slowed by the season change
Awake mere hours
slow to response.

I grab for my beer
for the first time
with my
left hand.

This is the transition,
splitting kindling
now drinking.

At 43
I learn that
only one side
keep the stand of time.

What's next?
The liver will be the
next to go
then sanity
will fall from
the skeletal grip.

And I'll need
in some form
or another.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Of Wind and Beer

Just fetch me a beer

Fuck off, she says
Honey you've got to be kidding
I've been at it all day.

Yah, me too
you think it's easy
sitting along side the lake in all this wind.
We only had a six pack of Old Milwaukee
the tall ones of course.
But damn I'm still out now
and you know how I hate sobriety.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Chairs of the Cabin

I sit in my cabin on any of the decrepit chairs busting my way through this manuscript. One side of my ass hurts so bad that my neck grows tense. I know it is time for bed, but I love the beer and wine so damn much. My back is in need of a new chair, this one left behind by that mad writer "Fraser". Straight up posture, twisted leg, taped together early 50's vintage. Or the pure luxury studded dinning table chair which is the only cabin original , seat cushion rotted off years ago, but the back support stands out amongst options. The old capuccino bar stool set, vintage early 80's discarded by my neighbours years ago, have seen their day and lean with a twist when used. My late brother Gordon's chair sit's in the living room waiting to devour someone. "The Green Monster". This chair has been in my life since I was 10 years old. Besides my brothers chair in the living space in front of the open fire place, [that is a hit only in the cold of winter] is another circa 50's green arm chair [grandmother's]. This one mildewed on the backside from where the roof leaked overhead. And finally the soft lean twister chair upstairs looking out the window.
Light fades as pen runs dry. There's that polluted little object I fill with M-J, some one put it away. And the girl on the beer-can winks at me and it feels good as light fades the words grow.