Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A Set Up

ever wish you were some place else?
It happens
been in a funk
then I got a phone call.
It was the cops
said they had something on me.
Told em they ain't got shit.
When I agreed to go to the station
to prove my innocence
I was dumbfounded with their evidence
said they had me on a security video
raping a one legged pan handler in the loading dock
said I didn't know any one legger's.
Told em I was home all night
watch'n midget porn and jerking off
when they said
no one gets off on that shit
I showed them the waist basket full of crusted tissue.
They told me that could be a crime in it's self.
Thats when I out reached my hands and said
put em on then boys.
Turns out they didn't have the room to house me
as they were setting up for a gang bang on a homeless boy
they found beneath the overpass.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

midget porn - what kind of fuckin pervert are you? true - those little buggers have big dicks but it don t hold a candle to amputee porn.

you want to crank it big time watch some stump humping.

good story man - who says you're in a stump - opps sorry - I mean slump!
