Monday, February 15, 2010

On The Go

Feb 8th
Lets start with 1.75L or rum for $17
That's the shit

A direct hit before Cranbrook
rock meets windscreen.
Deer Lodge @5:45
Amber Bock, taste great.
Really fucking cold here
Free soft porn on the TV

Feb 9th
Lucinda rolls out off
cold Montana leaving behind
the confines of the
Old State Prison
dating back to the 19th century

Roll through the low cloud and snow glazed hillsides
of Idaho

West along the 84 to Twin Falls
where Evil K. attempted to jump the
Snake River.
She tells me of a place
where town folk party
The Devil's Corral

Feb 10th
Lucinda's a thirsty girl
@ 12 miles/gallon
she's sucking back the gas
on the high passes in Nevada
Two passes exceeded 7000ft
Seven hours to Las Vegas

No UFO's @ area 51.

Feb 11th
Up early
Rolled through Vegas
@ noon

Bernice led the way beautifully.
Hoover dam for a dump
and on to the
crack capital of Arizona
every other guy is a dealer.

The long arm of the law
found me on the route to "Oil Can Henry's"
An illegal lane change
while the streets were asleep.

Lucinda is purring
with a motor full of fresh oil
and a full underside inspection.

Unoccupied roads of Nevada
a sheer joy.

Two jugs a whiskey
It'll be cold
out there
That's when we need it
Piss just behind
the rear wheel
no one will notice
So I piss and smile
and act like I'm retrieving a bag of ice
at the front tire

All I want to do
is drink in my van
and piss outside
into the
thirsty desert sand

The train passes
as the dealers
lick their
drug soaked lips

Tempo's and Topaz's
taking them to the next fix
headbands and untrusted smiles
shaking like
and fucking themselves to sleep
no conscience
and crumpled $ bills
Kneeless jeans
and toothless smiles
untrusting jesturing
now I understand
why America packs heat

Feb 12th
And tonight was a length of today
Route 66
ands my boy makes five bucks on the piano
He's such a part of it all
and sensitive to our needs
He's Superman without flying
He's Johnny Cash without age
He's Amazing Grace without religion
and he's all the shit

Feb 14th

It's crazy in the park
Old drunk ladies and neon

Simple fraud
I've become David Ross
from Kingman
to gain a Safeway discount card

Inside our van we are kings
and queens

Pure and simple
we are headed for the
Deep South

Lord it's good to
drink on Sundays

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jesus Christ, it’s about time you showed up. I was starting to get worried. Thought I was going to have to come down there and find you guys.

Pick up The Ultimate Good Luck by Richard Ford.

Lucinda, that s a good name for a wagon heading south. Hope all is well. Once in the deep south, a trip to a Baptist Church on a hungover Sunday may be in order. Guaranteed to make you feel better. Better than tomato soup with a whiskey chaser.

Say hello to Japhy. I need postcards.

Tell Athena to lay off the M&M’s and trashy magazines, they can become habit forming.

Keep the wagon on the road and your cock as hard as the pavement.