Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Forgotten Change

The secret phone calls increased, as did Jimmy's paranoia. Candy was talking often to someone from her past. Lil' Jimmy knew everyone she had recently acquainted, and they were accounted for either at the pool hall or bar. When he questioned her who she was talking with, she'd reply that she had only been searching the pay phone for forgotten change. There was something in the still of the air, Jimmy could smell deceit. And when Ken Rex let it be known he was in town, Lil' Jimmy's accusations became a timeless reality. He had been certain Candy had carried a self indulgent lust for Ken Rex. It was the bad guy appeal that had a grip. She knew he was bad for her yet she had to have her share. It was like stoking a fire, the heat could burn you, yet the flame was entrancing. Candy-Slice had been branded by Ken Rex's iron, helplessly she needed to be found. All that Lil' Jimmy sheltered her from, she had helplessly invited back into her life.

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