Friday, October 30, 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009


She wasn't ready to cross the border, can't say as I blamed her. People had died at the hands of revolt, drug deals and hell was on the other side. Their money was running short and temper wore thin, s'pose it was no reason to go against what they had planned. Athena was adamant of not crossing the border, but that selfless fuck was drawn to the land of outlawed behavior.


We had a pet slug named
Britney Spears
She left a track wherever she went
She ate the asshole out of the
Thanksgiving turkey
and spoiled Christmas
by flashing a glimpse
We had to kill her
She ate all the plants
We fed her beer and amphetamines
there she died on the Twister fold-out plastic
for her funeral
We dimmed the lights and
burnt cans of smoked oysters.
Now I'm saddened
but I'll survive
If she'd left the turkey alone
she never would have died

Monday, October 26, 2009


Ede my friend where are you now
as I, drunk on wine and rum
in the dark with drunk naked lady walking in dark
She, here to protect me from myself
and all who follows
she, in bed spelling my word
she, the one who holds my dick in cold November and into the spring
and where are you now Ede
mowing grass till the weeks end
your father's whiskey hid in the studio
awaiting time off
time for hobo fires and laughter
I won't fight you for you're too large
Ede where are you on this night of rhyme

Back Door Sally

He went in with a peace offering
tobacco and wine
he'd grown mean with age
he'd drink till he came undone
he'd drink till he'd put one of his old friends down
they'd wrestle in the wet grass
drunk on cheep wine and weed
Backdoor Sally would have none of it

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Lead Dreams

Candy-Slice had succumbed to death at the hands of Lil' Jimmy, the hands that had once cradled her in moments of weakness. Although her death was an obscured blankness, Jimmy wore the gloves of horrific guilt in it's rawest form. Why had she told Ken-Rex of her where-a-bouts? She'd seemed impressed that he was coming to reclaim her, it had triggered Jimmy's uncontrollable rage.

When Ken-Rex's black Lincoln came upon the back road to Jimmy's trailer, cold fear froze him in his tracks. It was like one of those dreams when your legs where made of lead, and lead was coming for Lil' Jimmy delivered by way of a hand gun.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


There he awakens at the reaches of the tall willow. One cloud covers the three-quarter moon. Sparks jump from the fire. Candy-Slice lies dead on the rusted box-spring. Dead and alone. Stupefied, Jimmy cries into his hands questioning himself in utter fear.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Forgotten Change

The secret phone calls increased, as did Jimmy's paranoia. Candy was talking often to someone from her past. Lil' Jimmy knew everyone she had recently acquainted, and they were accounted for either at the pool hall or bar. When he questioned her who she was talking with, she'd reply that she had only been searching the pay phone for forgotten change. There was something in the still of the air, Jimmy could smell deceit. And when Ken Rex let it be known he was in town, Lil' Jimmy's accusations became a timeless reality. He had been certain Candy had carried a self indulgent lust for Ken Rex. It was the bad guy appeal that had a grip. She knew he was bad for her yet she had to have her share. It was like stoking a fire, the heat could burn you, yet the flame was entrancing. Candy-Slice had been branded by Ken Rex's iron, helplessly she needed to be found. All that Lil' Jimmy sheltered her from, she had helplessly invited back into her life.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Lil' Jimmy and Candy had sex more than on a regular basis. Somehow Jimmy was turned on by the way she teased other men and by the secrets she kept. The way she'd back into a man while taking aim at her next shot, the way she'd let a grope go unnoticed or how she'd sit on a stranger's knee if he was buying. She did things that kept Jimmy on his toes, like making phone calls when she said she was going to the little girls room and when Jimmy would call her on it, she'd deny it.
Candy was like a single fish in a stream of men and she played on it.