Monday, November 30, 2009

A Day I Can't Forget

Went to the natural hot springs today, the sign reads "No Alcohol, No Nudity". There was a decade when I was naked more than clothed, back when I was proud. So at the present the sign didn't bother me, other than the bit about the booze. So we pack up the swim trunks and head off down the trail. Mid way, we notice nakedness. There had been five vehicles in the parking lot of which the occupants were naked in the pools along side the river. Beautiful I thought, natural beauty. When we reach the stone surrounded pool one of the group asks me in a deep tone if we mind the bare skin. I replied that I had been naked a great deal of my life as to reassure her of no offence. We mingled with the group as we enjoyed the warm waters, the girls sitting next to me were quite striking and the petite ethnic girl to my side was outgoing saying who would be afraid of a little bit of skin. Seemed they had been there a long while and were preparing to leave. I couldn't help but to have one last look at all this natural beauty prior to them heading back to Banff. That's when I took recognition that the one with a deep tone was quite manly, she had tits that didn't quite form nipples of substance. As she rose to leave I had come to expect a dick hanging there, What I witnessed was not for the weak of heart. There it was this open gape of a hole impossibly open, presenting it self not only to me but to us all. It was there where a cock once hung, yet it was quite obviously gone. Now that was far from natural beauty.
The smell of sulphur coming off the water, a slight hangover and foremost this gapesight triggers my gag reflex as water fills my eyes.
Haven't been to these springs for twenty years and now I'll wait another twenty until reconstructive surgery improves.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

sorry about that

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Good Old Times

Trying to talk the wife into a three-way
with Dr Ruth
oh how she could talk us through multiple orgasms
all wrinkled wet and sticky
she'd own the bed
she could mix us Rob Roy's and other old-fashioned drinks
sex toys in her arthritic hold
taking turns changing her Depends
now that kicks the shit outta anal sex

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Coming Through the Cold

He rose through defiance
yet with no lack of judgement
His considerations admirable,
justified and premeditated.
The climax went unnoticed.
The cold venture through life
a milestone unreceived.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Whores in Sunlight

Lost like a whore in sunlight
Like an upholsterer with nothing to stuff
A poet with no words
A drunk with no booze
A fire with no flame
A honeymoon without shame
Lost in time with no clock

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Can't Sleep

Insomnia and a few of my favorite things
Motorcycles,travel and booze
I'm awake since 3:30
drinking and reading old issues of Canadian Biker
I can't sleep because I am mentally going over all we need for this winter's travels
Then I realize something my friend mentioned
"take your bike along for when you get the urge"
Don't know if I'll do it or not, but the thought of bringing along even Athena's 250cc sounds good at 4:00am
I think it's like an uncureable disease
all of it
riding, traveling and drinking
what kind of meetings should one seek out for such turmoil?

Monday, November 2, 2009


Burning barn logs from
the Old Calcutt place
history in flames
those pieces will burn all night
hauled them away from the barn I dismantled
10 years ago
not an inch of rot
they burn like coal
must be nearly a 100 years old
felt guilt burning history
but the carpenter ants
had them in thier sights
didn't know what to do
so I took a couple cans of beer
and a bottle of wine
to watch them burn
in my grandmother's barrel
out back on the wrong side of
the tracks
where the hobo's enjoyed the heat.